Graham and Yelm Auto Repair

Monthly Archives: July 2022

Customer Appreciation Drawing Winners

Customer Appreciation Drawing Winners

To celebrate opening our second location we held a monthly Customer Appreciation Drawing for our first 3 months of business. We had a total of 3 winners. In July we drew our first winner from all of our customers in June 2022. You can watch the video below to see our first winner. In August we drew our second winner from all of our customers in July 2022. Finally, at our Grand Opening celebration in September 2022, we drew our final winner, from our customers in August 2022. Customers were eligible to be entered into our drawing by completing a service with us at our new Yelm Location, on or before 8/31/22. Click one of the links below to watch videos of our drawings on Instagram. Thank you to everyone who participated by being our first three months of customers in Yelm, WA! Link to the Drawing Announcement ... read more



Why is Vehicle Maintenance Important?

Why is Vehicle Maintenance Important?

The video above is meant to make you laugh! But expensive vehicle repairs are not fun! It is our job to partner with you in maintaining your vehicle. We know that you have places to go! You want to get there safely, preferably without any breakdowns. By completing Maintenance Services you can extend the life of your vehicle. How do maintenance services extend the life of your vehicle? When you keep the fluids inside your engine clean, they can do their job better. Their job is to protect your engine and keep your vehicle running smoothly. Performing maintenance services will reduce the wear and tear of the engine and it's components. In turn this extends the life of your engine, and keeps you on the road longer! There are many different Maintenance Services that should be performed on your vehicle. Which ones and how often will depend on many different factors. The year, make, and model of your vehicle is one part. It will also depend on how often you drive, th ... read more

How to Win a TV at Graham Auto Repair

How to Win a TV at Graham Auto Repair

Would you like to win a Roku TV at Graham Auto Repair? Watch our short video to learn how! You can also scroll down and read the details below. To celebrate opening our second location we are holding a monthly Customer Appreciation Drawing. We have already completed the July drawing! You can watch a video of the first drawing here. In order to be entered into our drawing you will need to complete a service with us at our new Yelm Location, by 8/31/22. Here are the steps to be entered in our drawing: 1. Schedule an Appointment at our Yelm Location 2. Complete your Appointment in Yelm before the deadline 3. You will be automatically entered to win! 4. You do not need to be present to win. We will call the winner.  5. We will post the winner on our blog and social media ... read more



Happy Birthday Nathan, Bart and Christian!

Happy Birthday Nathan, Bart and Christian!

It's time to celebrate more birthdays with our Team! We started out the month of July with a bang! We had three birthdays to celebrate, one right after another. You can watch a video montage below! Then keep scrolling to learn a bit more about each of our Team members. Nathan has been working with us at Graham Auto Repair since April 2021. Nathan's role on our team has grown a lot over the past year! He started out as an Estimator and now he is our Parts Manager. Nathan is the person our team can depend on when we are having computer difficulties. He is very tech-savvy! We are super thankful for how he is willing to go above and beyond for us and our customers! Nathan is a great problem solver. He is great at developing and maintaining strong processes that help us succeed as a team. You will primarily find Nathan at our shop in Graham, WA. However, he is always ready to drive out to our shop in Yelm, WA when his expertise is needed there.&nb ... read more

