Graham and Yelm Auto Repair

Monthly Archives: November 2021

Winter Driving Tips from Graham Auto Repair

Winter Driving Tips from Graham Auto Repair

Thanksgiving is coming up this week, and Christmas is right around the corner! A lot more people are planning to travel this year than last year. Keeping you and your family safe while driving is one of our top priorities! So today we want to give you a few safety tips before you hit the road.    Traveling with your family for the holidays can feel like a burden --- especially when the weather is dark or dreary. If you can find ways to make it fun, it will add to the holiday spirit! If you have kids, you can play driving games, listen to music, or listen to a book on CD. If you can use Bluetooth in your car, you can also listen to a Podcast. Be sure to bring things to entertain your youngest passengers. You can bring books, toys, or movies for children who may get bored. We all want to avoid the dreaded question, "Are we there yet?" If you have time, planning a few stops along the route can give you all something to look forward to! We hope this list helps you and ... read more


Safety Tips