Graham Auto Repair

Tag Archives: Brake Rotors

How to Extend the Life of Your Brake Pads

How to Extend the Life of Your Brake Pads

How can you extend the life of your brake pads? Taking care of your brake pads not only keeps you safe on the road, but can save you money! How? By extending their lifespan. So today we are going to give you a few tips on easy ways to make your brake pads last longer. 1. Brake Gradually: Avoid slamming on your brakes whenever possible. Do your best to anticipate stops so that you can have smoother braking. This will reduce the heat that's generated and help to prolong the life of your brake pads. 2. Watch Your Speed: How does your speed affect your braking? The faster you drive, the more energy your brakes will have to absorb when you stop. By reducing your speed you will limit how often you will need to brake. By reducing your speed, you will gradually help limit the wear and tear on your brake pads. 3. Avoid Overloading: Do you ever use your vehicle for towing or transporting loads? Do you carry a lot of un ... read more


Safety Tips

What is Rotor Resurfacing?

What is Rotor Resurfacing?

What is Rotor Resurfacing? At Graham Auto Repair, we believe in keeping our customers informed about vehicle maintenance. Understanding what maintenance is needed and when is essential. We want to ensure that your vehicle doesn't breakdown, which can be more expensive and time consuming to repair. One common service we offer is rotor resurfacing. If you're wondering what rotor resurfacing is and if it's an option for your vehicle, this blog is for you. Rotor resurfacing is also known as rotor turning or machining. It is a process that smooths out the surface of your brake rotors. Why is this needed? Rotors are constantly under friction and heat that's created when you brake. Over time they can develop grooves, uneven wear, and other imperfections. Resurfacing will remove the imperfections and restore a smooth and even surface. Which is great, because it improves your braking performance! But it also extends ... read more