Graham and Yelm Auto Repair

Go The Extra Mile | Graham Auto Repair Essential #4

Graham Auto Repair | Essential #4

"Go the Extra Mile. Be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish the job, plus a little bit more. Whether it's starting early, staying late, or doing something that's not in your job description. It's the Extra Mile that separates the average person from the Superstar. Be a Superstar!"

I just want to take a moment to make this, "Graham Auto Repair Essential" a little more personal. First of all, if you don't know me, my name is Lacie. I have been the Digital Media Manager here at Graham Auto Repair since April 2019. You can see my photo up above, along with our Service Advisors, Brian (left) and Rob (right).

As the Digital Media Manager, I spend a lot of time in the background and I get to witness our Team and how they work together. I have never worked somewhere before where "going the extra mile" was the norm and such a huge part of everyday life, like it is here at Graham Auto Repair.

When we call ourselves a "Team" or "Family" we take those terms seriously. Since we consider each other Family, our Customers naturally fall under that term for us as well. When you bring your vehicles here to get them Serviced by our Team, everyone takes the time to participate in making sure that you feel like you are part of our Family.

I have witnessed even more of this type of Service from our Team during the pandemic. Our Team came together and made it a Priority to ensure that our Customers (our extended Family) could rely on us to get the job done. We want to go the Extra Mile to ensure that our Customers feel our support during a time when so many people feel alone or are struggling to feel the closeness that normally comes through Community.

That is the mission behind our Social Media accounts, our photos, and our videos. We use these accounts so that we can take you behind the scenes of our Family! We want you to see that, while we all work hard to do our best, we don't take ourselves TOO seriously. We want you to know that we are just like you! We struggle and we rely on our Family and our Community to get through these crazy times.

So, when you see our TikToks, our Team Talk videos, or some of our sillier photos, we want you to see that we are real people! We are a Family, supporting each other first, so that together we can support our Community. We hope that when you have the opportunity to step into our Shop at Graham Auto Repair, that you will always feel welcome here - like our Shop is an extension of your own Home!

I hope that I am doing a good job of showing that to you! I recognize that the posts I put on our Social Media Accounts are the only opportunity for our Community to see a window into everyday life here at Graham Auto Repair. That's a pretty big deal! I take my job very seriously, and I want so badly for the world to see how authentic and caring our Team is. If you have any questions about our Team or what we do here to go the Extra Mile, feel free to send us a message or give us a call. We would love to hear from you! We are so thankful for all of the support that we have from our Community and for all of you who continue to follow, like, and share our posts on Social Media. You guys keep us going, so thank you!

Signed with Graham Auto Repair Love,

Lacie Ugelstad, Marketing & Hiring Manager

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Graham Auto Repair Now Serving at 2 Locations - Graham, WA and Yelm, WA