Graham and Yelm Auto Repair

Quarantine Haircut | The Boss Gets a Haircut!

Click on the picture or this Link to watch the YouTube Video
In Washington State we've been under the Governor's "Stay Home Stay Safe Order" for . . . awhile. For that reason our Boss (Troy, the Owner of Graham Auto Repair) hasn't been able to get a proper haircut and it was definitely time!
So our Service Advisor Brian stepped up and did the Unthinkable - he gave our Boss a Quarantine Haircut! How did it go? Well, you'll have to watch the video to see the results. Or checkout our TikTok Page. Or stop by the Shop and see his fresh new haircut for yourself!

Disclaimer: You may hear talk about Graham Auto Repair starting up our own Hair Salon, "Graham Auto Hair Repair" (the name is still up for debate). I want to let you know here and now, that's just not happening. We won't be giving away free haircuts with a 30k 60k or 90k Service at Graham Auto Repair. I hope that no one is disappointed! But hey, if you think it's a good idea, leave us a comment and let us know.

Who knows? Maybe we will reconsider. Haha.

(Spoiler Alert: Probably Not!)

Below I will put a link to each of the TikTok Videos that are featured in this video. We changed out the music to make them YouTube Friendly, so you'll get the full vibe by watching them on TikTok. You can click on the link or you can copy/paste into your URL (especially for the desktop version).

1. TikTok Video 1 - The Showdown (Before the Haircut)
2. TikTok Video 2 - The End Result (After the Haircut)

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Address: 22217 Meridian Ave E; Graham, WA 98338

Phone: 253-847-2221



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