A Message of Encouragement During
The Stay at Home Order
The Stay at Home Order has impacted all of us in so many ways. We have had to be separated during a time when we’ve needed each other the most. Schools and businesses have been closed and thrust into a new world of Zoom Calls and learning how to be productive while Working From Home. So many people have lost their jobs, and have had to rely on Unemployment, maybe for the first time.
There have been so many unknowns about our future and where we will go from here.
There have been so many negative impacts on all of us; and all of the negativity in the News and on Social Media has only served to make us feel trapped, insecure, overwhelmed, and lost. Now more than ever we need to come together and build each other up.
We need hope, love, kindness, support, and positivity.
We have seen so many stories of community; people reaching out and finding ways to help each other despite this separation. So today we are asking the question:
What Are Positive Impacts That You’ve Seen During the Stay at Home Order?
Watch our video on YouTube or on Facebook, where you can hear from some of our Team members here at Graham Auto Repair. We would love to hear from you! What are some of the positive impacts that you’ve seen during this time?
We invite you to take a moment to share in the comment section (on our YouTube Video or on our Facebook Page) Words of Encouragement or ways that you’ve seen the Stay at Home Order impact you or our community in a positive way. And if the video helps you, or you know someone who needs more hope, kindness and love in their lives, please share the video with them.
We will get through this. Together.
Hopefully we will come out of this stronger, healthier, and closer together than we’ve ever been before.
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